“A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.” (Joyce Brothers)
Many times DIY SEO can lead to greatest failures for your website as there are numerous flukes about which you aren’t aware of. You need to be confident regarding your strategy rather completely relying on luck and trust me relying on luck is really a bad omen for your business.
Avoid flukes
Below is a list of factors and flukes that must be avoided in order to prevent mitigating the flow of traffic from your website as definitely you have strived really hard and now by chance you will never ever want that traffic to run away from either of your online store or from your brick and mortar store.
1. Website optimization for search engine
All the websites should be optimized for search engines for search bots to crawl, identify the keywords within the webpages and find the search as per the search query keywords. A fully optimized website is such in which the webpages are not overcrowded with keywords and moreover the keywords are fitted within the attentive corners i.e. tags, meta-tags, URL etc.
2. Page speed
You should be very much prudent regarding the speed of your website as the visitor’s interest largely rely on the speed of the website. Add on those factors that consume less of the space and the speed and eradicate those ones which consume too much time and space of any page. This is only because the bounce rate will likely to augment if the website is unable to load within 3 to 5 seconds.
3. Social Media
In today’s world of telecommuting and technology, the one neglecting social media is the dumbest of all. The social media links should be available on each page of your website for both the customer ease and business growth. When you are likely to subtract social media then be ready for losing a major chunk of your potential customers.
A good SEO will always pay heed towards the maximum wallowing social media within your website.
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