Emoji Google Searches and SEO
21 Jun 2017


“The only way you survive is you continuously transform into something else. It's this idea of continuous transformation that makes you an innovation company.” (Ginni Rometty)

The world is transforming with the speed of light and the use of emojis has augmented exponentially. Ten years from now, no one could actually surmise of paying too many to domains i.e. domains weren’t much mainstream. But look at now when the internet is raging throughout the globe like a never ending raging storm.


Search engine acquiescence

Search engines such as Google in May 2016; have finally allowed searches made via emojis however other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo have always loved using emoji search.

According to a research, approximately 90% of the online customers are in the frequent usage of emoji. This illustrated the extreme urge of emoji search access and emoji usage in marketing campaigns as well. Therefore, the recent bandwagon that marketers have adopted includes the usage of emojis pretty casually.


Inference time

Google algorithm updates are too compatible with the ongoing trend i.e. whether it is a slag trend or an emoji trend. Google modified its search in the sense that earlier slangs couldn’t actually depict the information in the form of search queries but with the frequent usage of slangs, Google updates allowed slangs to be used as a search query to depict what the user intents from the search engines i.e. information.

Therefore, it is predicted that emoji usage as an alternative to text search query will be soon uprising.


The frequent usage of emojis

As per the normal psychiatry test conducted, resulted that the generation of today feels and assumes that with the usage of emojis their emotions are better conveyed rather than typing simple text.


The emoji arena

Right now searching for any emoji without any text allow Google to depict emoji images but any other text associated with any particular emoji makes sense to Google thus depicting a whole lot of search related to the emoji query.

SEO companies right now are not considering this emoji as just a fad but they are actually probing onto this scheme of SEO which might evolve a lineage of emoji SEO from here.

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” (Napoleon Hill)

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