Questions YOU should ask before hiring a Web Developer
18 May 2015

“I'm not a fan of giving a website a simple number like an IQ rating because like people they can vary in all kinds of different ways. So I'd be interested in different organisations labelling websites in different ways.” (Tim Berners-Lee)

Not every web designer can deduce compatible layouts and web developmental patterns for your website. To find the right web developer and designer which follows the latest web design trends, it is crucial to interview and interrogate about the proposals and services offered by him. Below is a list of questions that every client should be answered about since he is investing his utmost earnings in order to obtain satisfying and adequate results. 

1.       Capabilities and Potentials

What will interest the client are the capabilities and potentials of the web developer that he is capable of. A sound information, knowledge and experience concerning marketing is also beguiling for a client since in the world of today a website is the major marketing armor for any entrepreneur and businessmen.

A web developer has been allotted the task to intellectually choose the right content writer, marketing strategist, video and photographer for the website. This is the fleck where the client examines the potentials, capabilities and extensions of the web developer.


2.       Experience

Most of the web developers do not have ample of experience in various industries of websites. A few of them, working for particular industries claim themselves to have ample of experience in most of the industries. Hiring an employee having relevant experience in your field is a long term benefit for your business, similarly hiring a web developer having necessitated experience in your related field is also a long term benefit since he would be already aware of the circumstances and cruciate flecks of your fields that might an inexperienced web developer lack.


3.       Your approaches

Every web developer works with the initial phenomenon of web designing and development. A web developer is distinguished from others by his approach with which he leads the team of the employee developers. The approach of the web developer should encircle the major forte of the websites which is lead generation. A website created by an experienced web developer should drive more traffic towards the website for generating greater lead and newbie businesses.

The web developer’s approach should also reveal the status of the SEO that will enable search engines to locale your website in the search results. SEO tactics have changed drastically but incorporating the best SEO practices will elevate the lead of your business.

Development of a responsive web design is indeed a part of the developer’s approach. Responsive web design has not only been favored by search engines but it is also capable of developing a consistent ideal user experience.


4.       Custom website

A custom website is the one whose codes are essentially unique. These codes are built with major specifications by an efficient web developer. A contrive website is indeed costly but each pixel of the website has not been prebuilt and modified rather its built with a customized approach.


5.       Experimenting and testing

A website launched without testing can be at great risk. To prevent any sort of jeopardy, testing and experimenting the website before the finale launch of the website is mandatory. By means of testing, one can say that cross testing the websites to see and figure out the precise visibility of the website on a number of browsers including safari, firefox, chrome and internet explorer (latest version). Subsequently, adjacent testing must also be done on iOS and Android browsers to support and explore user friendliness and authentication.


Questioning a web developer is your supreme right since you are the one paying to him his desired rates. Therefore, interrogating him will let you obtain your desired website and eventually you will attain self satisfaction that your website is optimized by safe hands.

“When we launched the WineLibrary website in 1996, I didn't even own a computer yet. I just understood that there was an opportunity here to market in a different way.” (Gary Vaynerchuk)

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