Should You Pay For SEO Hourly, Monthly or By the Project?
30 Jun 2015

“SEO tip: Speak in their language not yours.”

Recently, research was conducted which revealed the rates of the few top SEO companies which they are charging hourly or monthly or depending upon the type of project. Since the companies are charging a lot, hence it is a much issue to decide and compare the services offered by these companies in contrast to the rates charged by them.

It is of much figurative thought to understand which kind of payment will be suitable for your business hourly, monthly or by project type. Since each type of SEO package or rating has both merits and demerits. To get the maximum benefit of merits and to prevent even the minimal damage of the demerits, you should consider the following insights.


Hourly SEO Rate:

Simply, the hourly SEO rate is so far considered to be the appalling option since it gives the best in a timely package. It excludes non-relevant data and only provides us with specific and required data.

Different SEO companies have different hourly rates ranging from $50 per hour to $300 per hour. The fluctuation of the rates explains the difference in the reputation of the company, the services offered and the results that SEO company helps to gain.

Pros of hourly SEO rate

  • Greater level of accountability, i.e. you can exactly keep track of how much time has been spent on which SEO aspect.

  • Determination of exact prices: You are able to identify, and the company will therefore explain the price spent on each SEO aspect.


Cons of hourly SEO rate:

  • Results can take a lot of time to be visible.

  • You might not get all the attention that you demand.

  • Limited manpower since every employee will be working at a different time despite working as one team.


Monthly SEO Rate: 

Monthly SEO payment is kind of more reliable. With this type of rating, the client needs to pay a monthly sum to the SEO Company to obtain complete maintenance and the prosecution of general insights.

Pros of monthly SEO rate

  • One might get extra time

  • No excuses can be claimed for weaker or zero results

  • A healthy relationship between the client and the company


Cons of monthly SEO rate

  • One might get fewer hours.

  • Devoid of practical results and updates might bemuse the client that his money has been wasted or that he is paying to the wrong agency


By Project SEO Rate: 

This type of budgeting and planning is a purposeful one. Since it consumes the customer completely and giving them services for a particular project can entice them to approach your company later. It is more of a tactical form of marketing to gain more customers on the one hand and perform your services concordantly on the other hand.

Pros of by project SEO rate:

  • Once you pay is the last you pay

  • Timeline is more precise and straightforward


Cons of by project SEO rate:

  • Lacking flexibility

  • You might be charged more than you should be



There is no one solution which can be said that is suitable for all the clients and their requirements without any flaws. No matter what budget the client wants, he initially needs to understand what are his SEO aspects and does the package that he wants will fit the SEO aspects that he demands. In either case, both the SEO agency and the client must work smoothly and in an opus manner.

“What makes content engaging is relevancy. You need to connect the contact information with the content information.” (Gail Goodman)

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