10 Reasons Why Your Website is Driving Customers Away
09 Mar 2015

“What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, understands fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, and come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.” (Jiddu Krishnamurti)


The best way to attract customers is by making yourwebsite look fresh and appealing. If your website lacks the luster it takes to attract consumers then it most probably might end up driving them away. There are a few things one should consider when reviewing their website in order to ensure that their website is catering customers in the best way possible.


Looks old and outdated

Before moving on, take a long and hard look on your website. Is the website giving the outdated and old design look compared to the other websites in the same area of business? You can always ask a younger customer to give you a feedback about it. If that’s the case, then it’s high time that you redesign your website.


Stale information

If you have neglected your website since it was launched then it is high time that you give your website a fresh makeover and check all the stale information that has been lingering on your webpage till now. If your website is linking a coupon which is probably a year or two old, it might end up driving your customers away. FRESHNESS IS THE KEY.


Pictures are too small

Are the pictures on your webpage too small? Trust us, no one likes to squint or resizing their photos in order to get a better view. If the pictures are too small, it’s high time that you upgrade the size of the photos.


Text is too difficult to read

This is an important aspect that you should evaluate. Is the background color too bright or is the font family hard to read? Is your text size too small? If that is the case, you need to make the changes because if you don’t you might end up pushing your customers away to your competitors. A user-friendly font should always be your priority when considering fonts.


Non-professional logo

An amateur designed logo speaks volumes about your brand. Every website should have a professionally designed logo (which is a part of branding) that integrates their company value in itself and is present on every page of your website.


No social media links

Does your website lack social media links? If yes, then it’s high time you set up links right now. Most of the young crowd checks out social media for views and reviews about your business. Having a proper social media channel would help people know more about your brand.


Slow loading web pages

Perhaps one of the most painful aspects about webpages is their loading time. A slow loading webpage is an immediate turnoff to customers. If you have a slow loading webpage, no matter how relevant it is, most of the prospective customers will move on to the next company in the competition rather than wait to consider you. There are a large number of things that we designers can implement to clean up your webpages and optimize them for optimal speed.


Hard to find information

If a relatively new visitor cannot easily find information about your company from the opening homepage then keep this in mind that you will be losing a prospective customer. Unless the customer cannot gain the same services from another company, they will leave your webpage and look for another company. It must be ensured that the webpages are designed in an easy to understand manner.


Obnoxious sound when you open a website

Sounds that start playing at random as soon as your website loads up are sure to annoy a visitor on your website. Most people do not want to hear a musical chime playing in the background and are sure to navigate away from your webpage.


Can’t turn off sound when something automatically plays

When something automatically begins playing and cannot be turned off that’s when customers get annoyed. If your website has a video/audio for playing, add the option to easily silence the sounds and an option to play the content rather than having it play automatically.

“If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences.” (Criss Jami)


Contact us for information and more tips on blogging and web desigining.