Android OS... the new Market Leader? Watch your back Apple
"When there's no limit to what Droid gets. There's no limit to what Droid does."
Not every technology has such happening and blockbuster fate as android phones have. They have immensely gained popularity and massive exposure immediately after their launch despite of the presence of existing bourgeois iPhones ruling the market.
iPhone was primarily there in the market when google launched its android phone. The assumptions made prior to the launch of android were that iPhone will not lose its status in the market and that android will be doomed immediately.
Yet android according to stats has gained popularity and acceptance in a much vast figure than iPhone had. IPhone when launched to the market, it favored and grasped the attention of all the attention seekers because it was something innovative and never seen before other than in imagination.
“A phone needs to be qualitative and productive yet sophisticated and voguish for my avatar.” (AsilaParas)
A similar version of smart phone was already present in the market when android was introduced. A smart phone is said to be smart because it can predict the senses of humans and work concordantly. When iPhones were launched, their instant prices were too high i.e. 4GB phone was sold in about $500 and 8GB in $600. Despite of its extravagant rate, it was supposed to be the emblem of the elite class, celebrities, politicians, businessmen, all lavish money tycoons were seemed to be the owner of this white toy technology.
Android phones were launched seemingly on a very low price i.e. $200. This drastic difference between the prices didn’t affect the quality of android phones when contrasted with the quality of iPhones. This reduction of price gave android phones monster success and grabbed preference over iPhones. Due to which smartphones especially android phones seems to be more common than rare iPhones.
Customize phones
IPhones do not come with a vast diversity of choices of color and price. They are launched in 2-3 colors despite iPhone C which has a plastic casing and comes in various colors. They have a demarcated boundary of prices pretty restricted. But androids are customizable. They come in huge variety of colors and rates and everyone can choose their personalized phone not overlooking their precise budget. Due to this factor androids have been the reason of proclivity among the generation.
Free OS
Androids come with free operating system since their launch. Unlike iTunes and apple, android is a free operating system, accessible to all. Empowering the generation to get the most of it.
Android users download 1.5 billion apps and games from google play store monthly.
Wide market
Google play store, so far is the best market which is recognized by the generation for the publicity and purchase of your apps. It is a provenience of establishment and welfare both for the android users and for the web developers to entail a relationship of purchase and exposure. Users can benefit from the diversity of apps and can choose over a wide range whereas the app marketers can sell their apps either costly or without costs on a platform which is recognized in more than 190 countries.
Brand’s option
Much of the collective favoritism and boost that android received was the grace of the brands that opted Google play store as their foremost Operating system to locale in their company’s’ smart phones i.e. Samsung, Song Xperia etc.
This choice rapidly ceased the fortune of Apple phones and flipped the angle 360o enabling android phones succeed the throne.
Mobile, in general, is very, very, very, very exciting and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Long live Android AND iPhone.”
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