Consequences of cross platform mobile app development
26 Apr 2017

“The cell phone has become the adult's transitional object, replacing the toddler's teddy bear for comfort and a sense of belonging.” (Margaret Heffernan)

Using mobile and smartphones have become too much mandatory these days and it is considered as one of the most vital elements particularly for the development and success of any business foundation. These business foundations quite often ponder and work over any one operating system considering the usage and incorporation of one operating system pretty significant neglecting others. However, these business foundations shouldn’t avoid the significance of other operating systems (OS) and hence they should focus and target over more than one operating systems. A simple mobile app is no more enthralling but it is when it has the capability to support all the tech gadgets out there such as tablets, Androids, Apple gadgets, Blackberry, Windows etc.


Cross platform apps

The question now arises what are cross platforms apps? Cross platform apps are those apps which work on a myriad of operating systems persistently with a single code.


Software Development Kits

Different mobile operating systems own different software development kits which are also known as SDKs. The different SDKs possess varied mobile languages which are supported and synced by these operating systems. For Android, Java is the preferred language whereas for Apple Objective-C and Swift are the preferred SDK languages.


Native apps

Native apps are those apps which are formatted using the aforementioned SDK languages.

Their creation with the current technology has become quite possible these days however they are still not widely used as these native apps have pretty weightage on the graphical user interface.


Consequences of Cross platforms Apps

Here are listed few consequences of cross platform apps which include both the positive and negative ones, these are;


·         Positive consequences

1.       The code developed for a single native app can be used wide across a number of platforms.

2.       Existing programming language can be used.

3.       It is beneficial for business related and automated apps.


·         Negative consequences


1.       Most of the mobile phones do not support powerful and strong hardwares due to which HTML5 and related animations can be viewed with vigorous speed and mode.

2.       The SDK’s of native apps are not fully mature yet.

“My cell phone is my best friend. It's my lifeline to the outside world.” 

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