Ecommerce website Sales during the Holiday session
02 Feb 2016

“A shopping cart flipped upside down forms a cage that I use to protect myself from consumerism.” (Jarod Kintz)

This year the E-commerce business seems to be working pretty much optimistically due to which it has been predicted that this holiday season will be a lucky one for E-commerce as $83 billion would be generated. Obviously, all of the e-commerce retailers would be jumping on their beds after knowing about this news however something serious is coming ahead.



It has been found that 76% of the sales would be achieved during the holiday season via e-commerce generated business will be expended on 1% SKU products. The SKU products will mainly include Apple’s new range of iPhones and other similar gadgets of technology.


Two scenarios

Two scenarios could be drawn considering this prediction.

A.      If you are selling these types of stuff then you need to compete better

B.      However, if you are not selling these products then you are nowhere unless you change the way you play your marketing cards.

Many website entrepreneurs fancy of optimizing their websites quite smarty and these are the websites that take an edge over others in the competition. The optimization begins with the promotion of the deals that would be offered by you at different social forums and also through email campaigning.


E-commerce plug-ins

The search tactics again would help you compete better. The websites having poor optimization experience would not be able to gain better in this worthy season.  A better ecommerce plug-in would be the one that will enable be more flexible. Flexibility in terms of global delivery of products, checkout and variety of payment methods, effective working extensions and customization would be effectual.

The plug-in used should be able to deal with inventory management subsequently.



With the introduction of some newer versions of former gadgets such as iPhone 6s and Samsungs Note V etc. the e-commerce industry has recorded to sell almost 140% of smartphones so far and the number would exceed before the year ends.  The significance of mobile selling could be explained by the statement of BryanLoconto that mobile optimization and advertising is the name of the game moving forward. The ROI received via mobile advertisement was also augmented favoring mobile expansion and further sales within the right holiday season.

“Buy what you don’t have yet, or what you really want, which can be mixed with what you already own. Buy only because something excites you, not just for the simple act of shopping.” (Karl Lagerfeld)

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