iPhone 6 Plus Makes a Good Long-Term iPad Replacement
30 Mar 2015

“The seven-inch tablets are tweeners: too big to compete with a smartphone, and too small to compete with an iPad.” (Steve Jobs)


iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the latest smartphones from Apple were met with mixed reviews like always. Some people highlighted it in a positive light while others marked out the negativity in this phone. I was one of the few people who chose the iPhone 6 Plus over the iPhone 6 and after some heavy use can make one statement for certain and that is, the iPhone 6 Plus makes the iPad Mini feel like an unnecessary luxury.


iPhone vs. iPad

Like many other iPad users, I was used to carry both my phone and the iPad Mini around. The habit was constant and existed during the first week after I bought an iPhone 6 plus. However, after one week of using the iPhone, I realized there was no need to carry around an additional device.

Within a few weeks, the iPad lost its charm and soon became unnecessary. First it started getting neglected and later on, I decided to make the wise choice of recycling the iPad.

Apple seems to be directing this trend since the iPad Mini is currently in a holding pattern after the iPhone 6 Plus rollout. IDC has predicted the Phablet trend to catch more fuel as time progresses. IDC submitted this view in their September report which was titled A Future Fueled by Phablets.


Design and Screen Size

Apple did a great job in designing the department of the iPhone 6 Plus since they edged the phone at 5.5 inches which is just the perfect amount of screen size a phablet must have. The iPhone 6 plus has enough screen size that it does not look insane when used as a tablet nor does it feel impractical when it is utilized as a pocket phone.

The phone is slightly bigger than the 2nd Generation Moto X which looks and feels surprisingly small next to the iPhone 6 plus. However, even though there is a difference in the phone size, the phone does not feel oversized at all as many 6-inch phones can.


Photography isn’t ridiculous anymore

Another good thing that I realized about this phone was the fact that you can actually take photos with one hand without looking ridiculous. This is perhaps one of the first tablet-class phones which lets you do that without making you look like a fool.

The bigger screen also lets you review photos with relative ease and the camera is good enough to snap great photographs.



At the end of the day, the iPhone 6 Plus is one aesthetically designed phone which makes it easy to take the iPad Mini out of your life. It serves as a wonderful companion doubling as a tablet when needed.

“Research shows that when we read words on paper, it reduces our stress levels by nearly 70 percent. We also read more carefully than on tablets or laptops.” (Margaret Heffernan)

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