Mobile app developers can now take a chill pill!
26 Apr 2017

"Our lives will be facilitated by a myriad of adaptive applications running on different devices, with different sensors, all of them collecting tidbits about everything we do, and feeding big digital brains that can adapt applications to our needs simply because they get to know us." (Márcio Cyrillo)

Mobile app development has become a very tricky profession if invigilated profoundly. These mobile app developers choose mobile app platforms or other softwares for building varied kind of mobile apps but the most typical task is choosing the right type of app and right type of software of platform for building their mobile apps.


Developers’ challenges

There are numerous hurdles and challenges that a mobile app developer faces during his journey of creating an app; first and foremost being in choosing the type of mobile app, followed by the creation of mobile apps for different mobile platforms such as for iOS and other operating systems. This simply means that you need to learn and understand a number of operating system affiliated tools and languages for any app that you create for every particular operating system.


Mobile application development platforms

Learning and understanding too many languages required for each operating system becomes one of the toughest challenge so far. To help reduce the stress of so many languages, a number of mobile app developers use mobile application development platforms also known as MADPs and mobile application development frameworks also known as MADFs. These frameworks ease the mobile app developers’ tasks by allotting them with numerous familiar tools which enable them to use multi platform apps which are also known as cross platform apps. While the aforementioned application development platforms, allow the app developers to manage and functions the apps appropriately.


Native mobile framework or Hybrid mobile framework

The mobile application development frameworks are simply of two types i.e. Native mobile frameworks and hybrid mobile frameworks. Mobile app developers creating native apps are on an advantage than those developing hybrid apps as the former approach is superior in terms of better user experience and presentation while the latter seems to be a bit backward approach in a similar regard. However, the former requires definitely a high chaste of skills and knowledge.

“The cost of electrons and photons is getting cheaper all the time!” (T. Gilling)

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