Professional Photos v/s Amateur Ones
05 May 2015

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” (Ansel Adams)

Photography is an elucidated and comprehensive art and not everybody can be a professional photographer. Also, it is not necessary to have eyes and clear vision for clicking a moment as one of the very famous photographers Bhavesh Patel is virtually impaired but has the ability to capture those fine boundaries that very rare photographers with clearer sight can capture.

A very recent study conducted by the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) was based upon the collection of views by the genuine public who responded that the professionally clicked photographs contribute more in making a memory more memorable as compared to any other amateur photographs.



The study involved much of a natural theme. It incorporated 200 photographs of which 100 were professionally clicked whereas the remaining 100 photographs were ‘crowdsourced’ collected from a number of news broadcasters in a disoriented and irregular manner.

The next step of the study involved Sara Quinn, a professionalist who was hired to further forge the study by means of recording the eye movements; all in total 20,000 eye movements were collected. Also, she asked volunteers to rate the photos on a number of criteria.



At the finale, when the final conclusion was concluded Quinn stated that the volunteers were able to discriminate between the professionally clicked photograph and the amateur ones. Also, these volunteers were asked to select ’20 most memorable photos’. A 100 percent of the ’20 most memorable photos’ belong to the criterion professionally clicked rather than the amateur ones.

This figure almost astonished everybody suggesting that the professionally clicked photographs have an impact of its own which amateur pictures are unable to procure no matter how mollifying these amateur pictures are.

Also, the volunteers stated that the pictures clicked professionally have more specifications and vigilant expressions. Due to the quality of professional images a vibe of optimism also transmutes while observing the images.



This conclusion was successful in interpreting the fact that why professional and high definition images are only used when publications concerning larger scales are the basic subject.

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!” (Ted Grant)

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