Scenario of inventions. . .
30 Sep 2014

Scenario of inventions. . .

This classic adage which says that ‘necessity is the mother of inventions’ is the exact phenomenon applicable for the scenario of inventions. These inventions were invented because the necessity of people was the main frame approach that compelled many scientists and inventors to revolutionize the entire systems via inventions.

One of the modern technology asset proclaimed in the digital world is the SpiralClick technologies that has kept its foundational pillars on the bases of necessity of man. SpiralClick has announced various strategies and solutions that have aided men in terms of cyber niche. Along with, SpiralClick has never spoofed his clients rather it has measured the necessities of men and has rendered valuable inventory guidance after surveying the historical inventions.

The exact date of the inventions is the subject of controversies. And sometimes, the former inventions are modified by some other inventors and are thus specified in this way.


Earliest Invention

All of us are familiar that the first men to walk on this Earth were uneducated, lacked all sorts of knowledge and education. And the very first invention to take place was the discovery of fire followed by cooking onwards. This discovery dates back to some 1.8 million years ago. Fire and cooking played a significant role in the evolution of mankind.

This discovery ignited the process of inventions and a bombardment of inventions began. Shelter construction, pigments, glue, beads, bedding, arrow head, sew needle, flute, pottery and rope were invented. All of the aforementioned invention happened to invent in the same era. The last invention of this particular era was ‘pottery in China’ that marked the termination of inventions in this era.


Before the Common Era

BCE is the term implied to ‘before the common era’ which can be described as the era before Christ. This era is particularly of immense significance because it encompasses very crucial inventions like sericulture, invention of oars and the invention of wheels. This era is not just confined to these inventions but the ‘first ships to sail on the seas’ were seen in this era in the ancient Egypt in 3200 BCE. Also, in 3000 BCE, Papyrus, a thin paper obtained from the pith of papyrus plant, was invented.


1st millennium BCE

A millennium includes 1000 years, and this millennium revolves around 10 centuries. A majority of innovations were seen in this era crane, catapult, wheelbarrow, cast iron, spiral stairs, water wheel, blast furnace and dry dock. In the 2nd century BCE, paper in Han Dynasty of China seemed to have recorded in the researches. Additionally, new raw materials were mixed to produce a concoction of pulp from which paper making artifacts were obtained. In the 1st century BCE, segmented arch bridge, arch dam and the invention of water mill by Greek engineers has been claimed so far.


1st & 2nd millennium CE

CE, which stands for Common Era, is an alternative for Anno Domini (AD). The era in which Christ was born and according to Christians, this era comprise of their Lord. In this era, seismometer, crankshaft, turbine, fishing wheel, paddle wheel boat, toilet paper, porcelain, gun powder and playing cards were invented by some epic engineers and inventors. The last invention of this era was colorful, gigantic and blooming, pretty much similar to the era itself, the invention of fireworks.

2nd millennium prospects more developed inventions since the basic tools for the accomplishment of necessities of human beings were already produced. Fuel coke, compass, land mine, eye glasses, explosive bomb, hand canon, printing press, parachute, floating docks and newspaper were invented in this era.

18th & 19th century comprise of the following discoveries which are of utmost significance:

·         First piano

·         Alcoholic thermometer

·         Steam engine

·         Blood pressure measurement device

·         An early form of capacitor which was known as ‘Leyden jar’

·         Centigrade temperature scale

·         Spinning jenny

·         Early form of battery

·         Morphine

·         Refrigeration

·         Phonograph

·         Radiometer

·         Morse code

These two centuries clearly enunciate that the major discoveries beneficial in terms of today were invented in this period.

The finale century; 20th

The system of inventions can never degenerate due to the fact that we are in a constant need of change and revival. And revival is always initiated by the push of inventions. The finale century was also very crucial in terms of technology because in this century the very first computers and aircrafts were operated, generating new floodgates to opportunities. The replenishment of existing inventions and further formulations were also formulated i.e. motorized aircraft, Penicillin, first programmable computers, nuclear fission, Manhattan project, ballistic missiles, transistors, first atomic bombs, microcomputers, video games, DVD, the first world wide web etc.

SpiralClick is a progressive organization that has encompassed various scenarios in terms of modification. It has never counted the eggs before they are hatched but have always invested more and patiently waited for the positive feedback. On a larger spectrum, this progressive organization covers all the muddles regarding this global village. As a result of modernization, now SpiralClick is amongst the largest Web Technological arena, proliferating offshoots in many countries and transforming consumers into reliable customers.

With the advancement of knowledge, the procurement of various ideas and their implementation can be achieved. The scenario of inventions began when certain men gathered on this Earth for the very first time. Man has always been chasing and racing in terms of satisfying himself. And satisfaction is yet another name of necessity.

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