Tips to elevate the success rate of your e-commerce business
06 Aug 2015

“Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.” (Amy Jo Martin)

It is never too late to explore the world of e-commerce and trust me with the ever increasing demand for commerce the world is pacing and racing with tremendous force and speed towards e-commerce and this year and the following years will soon become the era of e-commerce. According to an estimation, the U.S retail e-commerce sales rate from 2010 to 2013 augmented from $167.3 billion to $263.3 billion. This estimation further predicts that within this year, with the use of appropriate and regular trends the retail e-commerce sales rate would cover the lapse of up to $347.3 billion. According to this estimation, many financial and other commerce related analysts had suggested that the e-commerce sales rate would increase up to 41% by the inception of 2019.

This rate of sales for e-commerce businesses is only attainable when one focuses within the right direction to exploit the use of e-commerce businesses. Below are certain steps, you should follow in order to enjoy the perks of elevated purchase and sales.


·         Launch

A website should only be launched when every minor work concerning it is piled and labeled as ’done’.  Most of the entrepreneurs do not pay heed towards the prior launch of the website and mistakenly launch their websites prior to the time when the actual authenticate work is pending like the integration of SEO, keyword density, social campaigning etc. Though a little buzz prior to the launch is an added advantage but prior launch is a complete failure.


·         Test

The best investment one could invest is the investment invested within the testing and experimenting range. Once you launch your website, everything should be tested. Think like the user, judge like the boss rather the entrepreneur and work things out. Find out the questions as to why, when and where.


·         Social

No wonder how relevant social media sites have become. All those entrepreneurs and other financial analysts have integrated within social media so closely that it seems they are more of twins. Social media is the true king for any business to step up and become voguish. Social is what is in. It is definitely the biggest opportunity to highlight your business by stepping yourself within the social media forte.


·         Do Not let go of SEO

With the rapid and simultaneous growth of the local and international frame of e-commerce business, a lot of companies will consider the regard of reimbursing within the e-commerce business. This will definitely be a tough time for your businesses. In order to prevent your ship from sinking, keep on focusing on the SEO principles because SEO can save you at the end of the day.

“The more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other.” (JR)

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