Why designers should say no to native apps?
05 Aug 2015

“A manager is responsible for the application and performance of knowledge.” (Peter Drucker)

Apps have now become the largest source of whether it be e-commerce, business, freelancing, marketing or obtaining information. These apps are in constant usage by homo-sapiens with every second being useful and meaningful to us. Most of the people have also criticized this plethora i.e. native apps of technology as with its usage the significance of web as a necessity might be doomed.

To this criticism, a number of web developers did not much respond due to the relevance of mobile apps with regard to the business and investment ratio.


Closed market

It must be noted and understood so far that the platform of native apps is pretty much precise since the app developers have to create apps for a few yet mammoth platforms like Apple, Google play store etc. This is a pretty big drawback if pondered upon since it limits the ability of users to exploit various boundaries by constraining them to develop such an app based on the hardware proposed by these few app platforms.

On the contrary, web enables all the users to exploit their abilities of developing apps on various hardwares which are not primarily concerned or restricted to a particular app platform. This functionality has been implemented by the Firefox campaign in 2013, allowing the apps to be created to all the web standards openly and easily.

The new technologies and app developing softwares are pretty much in compliance with the web apps since these softwares support the web apps on all the platforms universally with some complementary browser scheme of systems.


Open market

Web is indeed an open market eligible to various softwares and technologies regardless of peculiar rules of a particular platform. Restricted platforms require consistent up gradation to the new version whereas web market does not necessarily correspond to this function.


Native Apps

Native applications are not always filled with tremendous information. The app developers do not have access to unlimited stores of information or fun or even if they have they made us to pay because of the greed they are bound of. These app developers keep all of us intertwined with the limited stuff they are offering and hence fragmenting our access to unlimited stores of information, education and other entertainment accessories.


Web apps

Web apps are pretty simple to be constructed without learning any subsequent programming and scenario of codings. Neither these apps require special assistance and consideration of the web developers since these web apps are pretty much handy and easily optimized on all the sources and platforms.


“It is always more easy to discover and proclaim general principles than to apply them.” (Winston S. Churchill)

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