Web design and development Nightmares
29 Jun 2016

“The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.” (Andrew Brown)

If you are willing to give a boost to your business by means of creating a website then definitely its one of the greatest yet profound idea that you have come across with. However, if you are unaware of the specific coding concerned with web development then definitely you will look out for a third party who is capable of doing this kind of work. 

But for instance, you are a newbie and you are least aware of the web development and web designing agencies, then certainly chances are you might create fuzz out of nothing thus resulting in a war with headaches. 



There can be a number of issues dealing with web development agencies as little knowledge is definitely very dangerous. The list of issues is described below make sure you avoid them for restricting major catastrophes to happen;



When you have hired a particular web development agency responsible for coding your website and you paid a really handsome amount for doing this business and what happens is when your website development is done, the web development agency gives a similar type of coding to your competition too. To avoid this type of mishap, make sure you have legally authorized the coding for your website i.e. you should have the ownership of the coding that your outsourced company will do it for you. 



For instance, you have disclosed your ideas to the web development agency that you hired, but when you see the website fully developed, it’s definitely not what you have asked for. To avoid this type of circumstances, make sure your web development agency has negotiated and signed the NDA also know as non disclosure agreement along with an agreement of non solicitation. 



At times, web developing agencies leave without responding to the assigned work leaving us in a ship which is about to sink. In this case, our website launching date is very near and the web development agency has left us out of nowhere and we don’t have coding format too. For avoiding such situations, make sure the coding should be accessible to you at any time prior to or after they leave in a repository so that you have the right essentials at the right time.

“We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.” (Stephen Hawking) 

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