Your perfect guide to responsive design for 2015
19 Aug 2015

“You have to have a big vision and take very small steps to get there. You have to be humble as you execute but visionary and gigantic in terms of your aspiration. In the Internet industry, it's not about grand innovation, it's about a lot of little innovations: every day, every week, every month, making something a little bit better.” (Jason Calacanis)

Of my few blogs about responsive web design, many of you would be for the least familiar with the word ‘responsive web design’. Responsive web design is the strategy of provision of functional and appropriate display of various websites on vast sizes of mobile screens. In this way, the user is able to perceive the right message with the right impression thereby elevating the functionality and vision of the website.

With the inflated use of mobile technology, this strategy is seemed to be implemented by all the adroit web developers to enhance the user implication. Below are certain methods enlisted describing easiest measures for the application of responsive design;


  • Format

Amongst many measures, the easiest of all is that website which changes its format in response to the mobile screen to which it is being viewed. This measure is aided by certain tools that allow the web designers to mitigate the size of the content as per requirement.


  • Amended format

Another adjacent measure would be the development of adaptive web design adjusted by means of multiple grid layouts for the elevation of smooth user experience. Multiple fluid grid layout is basically developed behind which the criterion of proportions is fixed. This will ultimately convey a part of the percentage of the whole web content to the browser for enchanted user experience. Multiple fluid grid layout allows the website to do the work for you while you having a great time with a cup of hot customized coffee from Starbucks.



Responsiveness is the key to attain maximum user experience. However, with the wide variety of mobile screens every day launching within the market pace has made it impossible to customize each website according to that particular size therefore multiple fluid grid layout has been allotted the task of customization.

In order to attain maximum responsiveness, as 2015 is the year of responsiveness, images should also be give consideration to. For supporting adjacent background of fluid layout, fluid images are incorporated within the layout of web design. These fluid images easily fit within the fluid layout according to the mobile screen to which it is being viewed.


“The Internet, like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world.” (Peter Singer)

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