“The definition of success to me is not necessarily a price tag, not fame, but having a good life, and being able to say I did the right thing at the end of the day.” (Jeremy Luke)
SEO change is the only constant in the digital world. It is because the biggest search engine Google modifies its search algorithms, on average 500-600 times annually. No doubt, this creates a vicious cycle of improvements and updates on SEO experts due to the phenomenal complexity.
SEO is a ticklish process of never-ending tasks and activities. Luckily, there are a few elements that remain the same even after years. Among these, title and Meta descriptions are the most critical yet prominent parts of the search snippet.
In this article, we will be discussing the theory behind having a great Meta description and an attractive title tag. Not only this, you will find easy optimization tips for creating SEO friendly Meta description and title for your website. Keep reading!
All You Need to Know About SEO-friendly Title and Meta Description
According to popular search engines, the Meta title directly affects SEO ranking because algorithms focus on this while displaying results. However, the Meta description does not influence ranking directly. But, it has a significant impact on website traffic.
Imperatively, users open websites that appear most relevant to their search results based on the title and Meta description. Therefore, the title and Meta description plays a crucial role in deciding the fate of your website. For this very reason, title tag optimization and comprehensiveness of Meta descriptions are essential for improved rankings in search engines.
Before we proceed, we must know what Meta Title and Descriptions tags are and how they play an important role in drawing the audience towards your website.
What is a Meta Title Tag?
Title tags, which are also referred to as title elements, give the title to a webpage. These tags are often used on SERPs to preview snippets about a given page, and they hold significance for both SEO and social sharing.
The title tag of any web page is supposed to give an accurate explanation about the content of a page. That is why the title tag of the web page holds crucial importance for both user experience and SEO.
Title tags are responsible for creating value in three particular areas:
i. Relevancy
ii. Browsing
iii. User Experience
Let’s consider the concepts in a bit detail for the clarification of concepts.
1. Browser
Title tags often show up in both the top of a browser and in tabs. Title tags are the words that stay on top of the browser window and indicate what website the user is accessing.
For example, if a user is accessing Facebook.com, then the title page would say Facebook indicating the content that the user is accessing.
2. Search engine results pages
If your title tag includes keywords and those keywords are present in the user’s query, then there is a possibility that your website would be highlighted and gain a higher click-through rate.
3. External websites
Many websites, including social media websites, use the title tag as a text to their anchor.
Optimize Your Meta Titles
Title tags are important for SEO, and therefore, they must be appropriately optimized.
a. Be mindful of the lengtht
One of the key factors that should be kept in mind while making the title of your webpage is the length of the title. Webpages truncate titles that are more than 50-60 characters long, or 580 pixels wide. A title longer than that will be cut off, and ellipsis would be paced instead to indicate that it has been cut off.
With that said, it must be remembered that many SEO experts don’t frown overmuch on the length of the title since they believe longer titles work better among social sharing websites.
b. Place important keywords close to the front of the title
According to research, it is better to place relevant keywords at the start of the title to gain a better ranking.
c. Leverage branding
According to our SEO experts in Dubai, a well-recognized brand must be placed first in the title tag page; however, less known brands are suggested to be placed in the end after the keywords.
What is a Meta Description?
Plainly said, a Meta description is mainly an HTML attribute that offers a brief and concise explanation of the content that will be provided on a webpage. Meta descriptions are primarily used on search engine result pages (SERPs) to present a preview snippet for the page, resulting in the search result.
Optimal Meta Description Length:
An ideal Meta description's optimal length is up to 920 pixels, which is up to 158 characters (including spaces) for desktop. The maximum limit is up to 680 pixels and 120 characters along with spaces on mobile devices.
SEO Best Practices for Meta Descriptions
A Meta description is like an advertising copy that lures the readers to your webpage. It is the description displayed in the SERP, which is why it is considered an important part of Search Marketing.
A good Meta description's main idea is that it should be crafted in a compelling and easy to read fashion. The keywords should be relevant, and it must be remembered that many search engines, including Google, bold out the keywords in descriptions if they match the search queries.
1. Recommended Length
The Meta descriptions could be of any length, but larger snippets have the possibility of getting truncated; therefore, it is advisable to keep the characters between 150 and 158.
2. Avoid duplicate Meta Description
The best policy is to create a unique Meta for each one of the webpages. One of the ways to combat duplicated descriptions is to create automated Meta descriptions by programming them.
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Technical SEO Checklist to Ensure Best Practices