2023 is now old, and it’s time we took a look at some of the on-page SEO tips and practices that will dominate the industry over the coming months, and how you can optimize your website for each.
Before we start, let’s get one thing clear: This isn’t a predictions post where we try and figure out what is happening in 2023 and what’s the future holds. All the practices you’re going to see on this list are tried and tested strategies that have already made an impact on the industry and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Top 5 On-page SEO Optimization Tips
So if you’re looking to up your SEO game this year, this guide is made for you.
Let’s begin.
1. Keep a logical site and URL structure
According to professional SEO services company in Dubai, good optimization practices will always start within your website, and rightly so.
If Google’s spiders find it hard to crawl through your content in the first place, it won’t really matter how well the keywords have been targeted or how reputable your brand may be. You’ve already failed the most important test as far as search engines are concerned: Providing an optimal user experience.
What should you do for website and URL structure?
Keep all the important subpages accessible on the main landing page
Arrange all the internal links in a logical, tree-branch structure, as it is an important element for improving user experience and website ranking.
Ensure that all internal links take users to where they’re supposed to go, vague links are one of the biggest reasons for high bounce rates.
Optimize your website URLs and make it SEO-friendly, remove special characters and other spaces from URLs.
Incorporate a search box in the main header section.
2. Use XML Sitemap and RSS Feeds
i. XML Sitemap
The XML sitemap, as the name suggests, acts as a guide for search engine bots to navigate around, discover, and index your web content. Think of it like providing a detailed city map to a tourist who’s never visited your country before.
ii. RSS Feeds
If XML sitemaps are the city guides to your website’s content, then RSS feeds are its event managers and advertisers. They notify search engines of any and all new content that is uploaded on the site and can be used by customers who want to stay up-to-date with all your latest posts.
According to big brains at Google:
"For optimal crawling, we recommend using both XML sitemaps and RSS/Atom feeds. XML sitemaps will give Google information about all of the pages on your site. RSS/Atom feeds will provide all updates on your site, helping Google to keep your content fresher in its index."
Recommendations for sitemap and RSS feeds:
Use only recognized URLs for all your internal pages.
Don’t update a web page’s modification time unless substantial changes have been made.
If you use multiple sitemaps, don’t add another until the previous ones reach their limit of URLs.
Include only your most recent updates in the RSS/Atom feed.
3. Understand featured snippets
A featured snippet is the search result on the first page of Google that shows a brief answer to the user query. Presently, 40.7% of all voice search answers are drawn and displayed from a Featured Snippet.
Evidently, featured snippets are becoming increasingly important to SEO in recent months due to the rise in popularity of voice assistants. When the likes of Amazon Echo or Apple’s Siri have to respond to a specific user query, they prioritize featured snippets (if available) since these can be read out loud easily.
Want to increase your chances of getting featured?
Identify a few simple questions related to your domain and answer them within your content.
Keep the answers as direct and concise as possible.
Add informative media such as videos, images, info-graphs, etc.
4. Improve the quality of your content
Content was, is, and will continue to be the king when it comes to search engine rankings.
No amount of backlinks, social media, or website optimization will ever save your rankings if you can’t provide viewers with high quality, informative, and well-written copy. Don’t believe us? Just ask SEO experts in the industry. They’ll tell you all about it.
How do you optimize the copy?
Only create useful, well-researched content that’s presented professionally.
All your webpages don’t need to look like articles on Wikipedia. Keep the content engaging and fun.
Write only as much as is necessary to cover the topic at hand. There’s no minimum text length you need to maintain in order to get noticed.
Thoroughly proofread all user-generated content and make sure it’s useful. When it comes to SEO, quality always wins over quantity.
5. Improve the overall user experience
User experience has gradually grown to play a huge part in modern search engine rankings, and it seems like each new algorithm has a significant UX-related update these days.
Google penalizes slow loading speeds and a lack of responsive web design very heavily, and you run the risk of losing a rank altogether if bounce rates get too high.
What’s the solution for improving user experience?
Remove or optimize everything on your website that could contribute to slow loading times, such as huge images, heavy multimedia, or other large design elements.
Get better click-through rates by optimizing for user engagement.
Treat the mobile version of your website as the primary version, and optimize all your web pages for easy viewing on smaller screens.
Add hamburger menus on both the desktop and mobile versions of the site for easy navigation.
Learn more:
Technical SEO Checklist for Beginners
Use 301 Redirects To Boost Organic Traffic
Optimize Your Ecommerce Store for Local SEO