Rating mobile apps
26 Apr 2017

“The future of mobile creativity is in our youth: An entire generation first exposed to computing in this form.” (Chris Cheung Autodesk)

Mobile phones and their sales are raging like a bad storm and their sales have augmented tremendously according to latest researches. Retailers are paying much keen attention towards this augmentation and therefore have been vigilant over the giant retailer’s progress and businesses.


Retailer’s business

If taken an approximation of 500 retailers round the globe, almost 303 of them have a mobile app which successfully aids in driving their business efficiently. The significance of mobile apps cannot be neglected as these mobile apps are capable of generating half the sales of any retailer’s business.

The top 50 retailer’s app generated approximately $29.46 billion in the previous year thus including these apps and their affiliated retail stores among the top rated ones.


Ultimate source

The ultimate source of discovering and exploring new products and services is mobile apps which ease the customer journey thousand times. Nowadays, these mobile apps are updated with the latest ongoing buzz to provide the users with the latest news updates ranging from fashion to health, professional services to jobs etc.


eCommerce businesses

eCommerce businesses have also gained mammoth success and revenue via the usage of mobile as these businesses are capable of customizing the data according to individuals’ needs and whims. A number of eCommerce mobile apps are designed in such a way that they allow their users to scan barcodes thus affiliating the process of buying. With the latest technology approaching way hastily, the customers now can easily try outfits at their homes by the help of some highly organized and tech mobile apps.


SpiralClick Web Technologies

The business of mobile app designing is getting vast day by day and SpiralClick Web Technologies provides the best mobile app services for any company. Mobile app development in Dubai can be now easily managed by the grace of SpiralClick Web Technologies.


Mobile app sales leader

There are now a number of ways by which Google and other research centers can easily track the success rate of the retailer mobile apps and conclude the top rated ones as their have evolved numerous tools that invigilates over the sales which are transacted via mobile apps.

More than 40% sales needs to be transacted via mobile apps in order to qualify for the top rated retailer mobile apps. 

Also, these tools pay much heed towards the customer reviews and customer feedbacks which additionally grant them a scoring metric.

“Your mobile device quickly has become the easiest portal into your digital self.” (Phil Nickinson)

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