Customer Centric Web design

Customer Centric Web design

A web design which is solely based over customer's response and feedbacks is a customer based web design. Such web designs have technical web designs which is responsible for the instant interaction of customers.
Usability mistakes that you should avoid

Usability mistakes that you should avoid

Usability mistakes should be avoided as these mistakes lead to a chaotic situation. These mistakes mitigate the conversion sales rate of the website due to which web developers should take care of avoiding such kind of mistakes.
E-commerce & Social media

E-commerce & Social media

This infograph gives detailed account over the stats of E-commerce usage after Social media up-rise. Due to which, the elevated ratios of e-commerce could be measured in the past years and coming years ahead.
User Experience and User interface Design

User Experience and User interface Design

User experience is deliberately connected to user interface design. These two aspect strongly impacts over the economy generated via online sources inclusive of e-commerce generated economy.
Google chunked its web design

Google chunked its web design

Google has chunked and transformed it web developmental plan into a number of chunks. This modification done by google is because of certain reason which is of much relevance in the world of today.
Your perfect guide to responsive design for 2015

Your perfect guide to responsive design for 2015

Responsive design is an art to create a graceful website in the eye of the user as responsive design tutorials are available throughout the internet, most of the tutorials are spam however here is a detailed tutorial to responsive design 2015.
Borderless E-commerce

Borderless E-commerce

E-commerce has crossed all the barriers due to which any commodity available at any part of the world is accessible in other parts of the world. More or less, people have become neighbours and siblings wearing similar essentials throughout the globe.
Web design trends for 2015

Web design trends for 2015

Web design trends are in a continuous rage of renaissance. This renaissance can be estimated by means of the change of frequency notes since the time when web design evolved.
SEO causing a hindrance for e-commerce websites

SEO causing a hindrance for e-commerce websites

SEO alone can become the greatest causative agent of huge troubles for E-commerce websites. Hence, SEO should be dealt with timid and sound strategies to prevent any loss for E-commerce websites.
E-commerce marketers and Apple watch

E-commerce marketers and Apple watch

E-commerce marketers always strive hard to achieve glitter. These marketers are fine workers in the field of technology due to which every recent buzz in the field of technology is acknowledged by them.