Website owners spend a lot of their time and money developing a dynamic website for their company, and they get there quickly. However, the journey forward is not easy as the next step is website maintenance. Due to website maintenance's complexity and technicality, the process must be done with great care and due diligence.
Website maintenance can help you keep your website updated to attract an audience and encourage growth. It can engage and retain customers while simultaneously setting a trap for lead generation.
Building a website might be easier but maintaining it is a trickier task. A website can't work on its own until you put an extra effort into taking care of its technical aspects. Without regular maintenance, it will never generate fruitful results for your website.
Quick Facts:
More than 73.2% of websites on the internet are running outdated and vulnerable.
68% of websites do not have a data recovery plan in place.
87% of websites have high or medium cyber security risks.
77% of websites takes more than 10 seconds to load on mobile
53% of visitors will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
All these points have strong connections with website maintenance, and you must not overlook them. Let us go through the multifold aspects of website maintenance to emphasize the term further.
1. Reasons to Maintain Your Website:
There are multiple reasons you should regularly maintain website. Some of the striking reasons are:
Boosts SEO score
Enhanced customer experience and satisfaction
Increases website security
Enhanced your website UI/UX score
Promotes conversion and lead generation
Improves your website loading speed
2. Tasks Involved in Website Maintenance:
Here is a list of tasks you should perform to keep your website working correctly.
Review search console
Check for broken links
Update CMS and website plugins
Review website analytics
Keep an open eye on website updates
Recommended: What is Included in Website Maintenance Plan
3. Ultimate Website Maintenance Checklist:
If you are thinking of following a website maintenance checklist, here are a few tips you should never miss out on.
i) Weekly Website Maintenance Checklist
Updated core plugins and software
Check for broken links
Check for 404 errors
Post blog posts for enhancing SEO score
Check for all the forms
ii) Monthly Website Maintenance Checklist
Run security checks
Ensure local search visibility
Ensure tweaking your content
Analyze and assess major statistics
Test loading speed and fix issues
iii) Quarterly Website Maintenance Checklist
Ensure your content enhancement
Updated meta titles and descriptions
Updated your website graphics and images
Manage your website backups
Ensure your browser compatibility
Check your uptime logs
iv) Annual Website Maintenance Checklist
Consider website design updated
Consider updating your best-performing blogs
Renew your domain names
Review content accuracy
Update the copyright date
4. Why pay for it?
Website maintenance is a crucial aspect of your website health, and here are a few reasons you should spend money on it.
Stay up-to-date
Protect your brand value
Focus on your core business values
5. How to find the right company?
Finding the best website maintenance company could be a tricky challenge, but you can take help from the following points.
Know the pricing strategy
Know your website maintenance requirements
Connect with the right partner
Key Takeaway:
Many website owners try to save dollars by independently doing all the maintenance tasks. Despite being straightforward and doable, website maintenance tasks can sometimes be overwhelming, and you will find yourself stuck in the middle of nowhere. It would be best to hire a professional website maintenance company and let them do the job for you.