Want To Score High On The SEO Field? Know The Rules
13 Jul 2019

“I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care.” (Lou Holtz)

The necessity of SEO has risen exponentially, and now it seems that SEO has become the basic meal in the diet of businesses. There are numerous professional SEO services provider capable of delivering the end product, i.e. the fully optimized website to you which has all the blanks filled and is perfect from the search engine’s eye. But what these SEO agencies do to make search engines their allies? Find out below.


SEO Rules for Ruling the Search Engines


There are a number of rules that shouldn’t be overlooked if you’re eager to get some scoring on the scoreboard. These SEO rules are mentioned and discussed below;


1. Arrangement and alignment

A well-aligned and well arranged website is what appeals the customers at first sight. Definitely nobody like chaos and nobody favor mess. For enticing a chunk of customers your website should be clean and tidy.


2. Mobile-friendly

Mobile has been the only craze of 21st century guys out there. If your website is not mobile-friendly, i.e. capable of optimizing on all the screen size and is unlikely to pace at a faster speed then you don’t have to worry for the rankings your website won’t be ranked in fact.


3. Google keyword strategy

Google lets you choose the keywords by presenting you an arena of keywords where the Google planner predict the best keywords that are not only adjacent to your business but will also boost your business in terms of searching and ranking.


4. Link monitoring

Google seriously dislike those websites who do not take care of their inbound and outbound links. Start taking care of your links.


5. URL optimization

URL is one of the important aspects in terms of ranking and optimizing. Make sure your URL is unique, working and SEO-friendly .


6. Significance of Sitemap

Sitemap allots the look of a complete and professional website. However, if your website lacks one then start its formation may be this would be the reason of your lagging.

“A good teacher must know the rules; a good pupil, the exceptions.” (Martin H. Fischer)

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